Health and nutrition
SCORE promotes health and nutrition activities in collaboration with health sector offices. Specially in enhancing nutrition, SCORE follows the CMAM approach- Community management of acute malnutrition. In Borana area, SCORE supports in five districts within the zone in promoting health and nutrition. Under CMAM approach, SCORE gives capacity building training for HEWs, Screens malnourished mothers and provides them with chicken and small ruminants so that they would have alternative means of incomes and diversify food sources, rehabilitates health facilities, and constructs waiting area for mothers and children-where they should rest before screening and stay for other health care services. In addition to this, SCORE supports other child survival activities, like national and sub-national immunization/vaccination days, by rendering logistic supports, promotes ODF kebeles by sponsoring the ODF promotion events.
SCORE also promotes Mass hygienic and sanitation campaigns to raise awareness of the pastoralist community on maintaining cleanness of environment and protect itself from different communicable diseases like waterborne health problems.
SCORE closely works with health sectors, community and other humanitarian actors to improve health and livelihood of the pastoralist Borana community. The fund sources of SCORE to implement these activities is from Misean Cara and Horizont 3000, European donors based in Ireland and Austria respectively.