CASLE – Conservation Agriculture for Sustainable Livelihoods Enhancement

Project Period: Januay 2017 – Dec 2020
Funding source: Canadian Food Grain Bank (CFGB), Cadadian Development and Peace (Caritas Canada), CAGOD-SCiAF-Trocaire
Context: Low corop production and land productivity because of poor farming system, environmental degradation, shortage and fragmentation of farm land, challenges in market access because of poor accessibility and road for some of the kebeles is the common characterstics in the project target communities. 


  • To Increase agricultural production and productivity of 1600 small holder farmers using conservation agriculture (CA) techniques
  • To promote Consurvation Agriculture systems for dissemination of wider application to stakeholders (smallholder farmers, community animators (CAs), agricultural technical facilitators, development agents (DAs), government and other experts)


The project work is being conducted with both technical and social focus so as to create a non-reversible and sustainable transformation in attitude, practice and knowledge. The work follows the following strategy:

  • Work with community to help them organize and manage their food, livestock,forest , soil water indigenous knowledge and local sources,
  • Providing farmers with materials, skill and information to enhance the productive capacity of the community,
  • Work with women and disadvantaged groups so as to increase the food security at the HH level,
  • Work with community and local government structure to ensure efficient implementation of the conservation agriculture basic principles.

Results achieved so far:

1600 famers have adopted CA. As a result, crop production and land productivity as increased by three fold.