Humanitarian emergency response
SCORE has been working in the emergency sector in development programs in operational areas and outside of it when the need arises. The organization has been supplying relief items for the disaster and risk affected population to address the short term and direct effects of an incident and save lives. Also there have been efforts at all levels to identify threats, determine vulnerabilities, educate and train the community and identify required resources as emergency response measures. More over SCORE has been coordinating and executing of service- and site-restoration; the reconstitution of operations and services; long-term care and treatment of persons affected by disaster and risk in the community. The organization has been undertaking activities designed to reduce or eliminate risks to persons or property or to lessen the actual or potential effects or consequences of an incident prior to, during, or after an incident as mitigation action. The organization has been working strongly in emergency response, recovery, mitigation and preparedness stages for proper implementation of emergency response programs whenever there is a need in different areas. These are the major activities of emergency interventions by SCORE in different operational areas. These programs have been implemented in partnership with SOH Germany, Catitas Austria, DKA Austria, Cafod, Scaif and Trocaire (CST) and BMZ-Germany.

Support for those who lost their livestock due to landslides at Gamo Highland