Fr. Michael kasia: Executive Secretary, Fr. Kilimpe Garbicha Wako: Superior, Fr. Emmanuel Chia: 1st Assistant, Fr. Denis Mugalula: The Bursar

October 2nd, 2022, Yabello, Borana, Ethiopia
50th anniversary of Spiritan presence in Ethiopia took place. His Grace Archbishop Antoine Camilleri (Apostolic Nuncio to Ethiopia and Djibouti and Apostolic delegate to Somalia) chaired the event!
Beginning with a Mass celebrated in the Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Yabello Borana zone of Ethiopia, where Spiritans began their ministry in the country, hundreds gathered for the festive celebration followed by a meal for the entire congregation and visiting friends.
The talented choir of the Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Yabello created an energising atmosphere as the people gathered for Mass.
During this celebration, Rev. Father Kilimpe Garbicha took over the mission of leading the Spiritan congregation in Ethiopia from Father Idee de Lange who has served as Spiritan superior based in Borana for the past 50 years!
Various government bodies at Yabello including the Borana Zone chief administrator and President of Borana University have made speeches congratulating the congregation for the 50th golden jubilee celebration!
Mr. Mammo Beriso (SCORE Development Program Director) was initiated today as Spiritan associate!
As we celebrated these 50 years we felt a deep gratitude and love for each of our Spiritan family who have lived in Ethiopia. Together we have sown small seeds of salvation, with our option for the poor and our hearts filled with love.
We are grateful to all the Spiritan family in the Congregation for accompanying us in this special occasion. We are all united as one Family of God. We are one, we are love!