We are part of the 3000 Spiritans working in over 57 countries. We have been serving in Ethiopia since 1972. We minister in areas for which the Church has difficulty in finding workers.. Learn More
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News and Events

On October 31st, 2022 the funding agency (Horizont3000) donor representatives together with SCORE leadership paid a visit to the South Omo, Hamer Woreda to observe the current status of the project implementation!
31 October, 2022 (SCORE) Hamer, South Omo, Ethiopia Ethiopian Catholic Church Social and Development Commission, Coordinating office of Soddo,...

Spiritan Congregation successfully celebrated 50 Years of Mission Presence in Ethiopia at Yabello town of Borana Zone!
October 2nd, 2022, Yabello, Borana, Ethiopia 50th anniversary of Spiritan presence in Ethiopia took place. His Grace Archbishop Antoine Camilleri...