Ethiopia Catholic Church Social and Development Commission – Spiritan Community Outreach Ethiopia (SCORE) program management team has concluded a one week program implementation review meeting. In this mid-year program management meeting besides the six-month program implementation review, the SCORE emergency response guideline revision task was commenced. Furthermore, a new development approach was launched. Accordingly, in addition to actively applying the existing Community-based Integrated Community Development (ICDP)approach, which SCORE has been following for more than 20 years, SCORE will pilot a School-based Inclusive Community Development (SICD)approach starting from 2022 in selected sites.
April, 27, 2021 (SCORE), Bentsemay, Woyto, South Omo
Ethiopian Catholic Church social development commission, coordinating office of Sodo Sprirtan Community Outreach Ethiopia (SCORE) conducting soil and water conservation, rangeland management, and other community development works via its cash for work (CFW) programing in South Omo Zone Hamer and Bentsemay Woreda.
Bush encroachment control for better rangeland development, water conservation structures, canal, and pond clearing are chosen for the cash-for-work activities. In addition, roads that connect kebele with kebele are will be cleared. These activities will build future resilience while providing needed cash for the food purchasing power of the target community. In this cash for work activities, SCORE will reach 2700 most locust-affected households in 10 kebeles in Benatsemay and Hamer woreda
In this integrated response to people affected by locust (IRePeaL) project, SCORE will reach 4100 households in CTP (cash transfer program) in both unconditional and conditional transfer.
On December 18, 2020 humanitarian assistance was given to those displaced by the recent conflict Around Konso by the Spiritan Community Outreach of the Ethiopian Catholic Church Social and Development Commision in collaboration with the vicariate of Soddo with funding from CAFOD-SCiAF-Trocaire Ethiopan Joint Office.
Integrated Response for People Affected by Locust (IRePeaL)
We’re delighted to announce a new project in Hamer and Benatsemay districts of South Omo zone in southern Ethiopia,supported by our wonderful partners #CaritasAustria and #AustriaDevelopmentCooperation
We will work with 4100 families, enabling them to recover from the shock and damages caused by Locust, and to secure and diversify livelihoods whilst preparing themselves for future shocks.
SCORE Borana operates in five districts of Borana zone. Namely, Yabello, Dubluq, Gomole, Dillo And Elwayyee.
This is the largest sandy valley located in the Elwayyee district, called Maansa Geerdo. It was impossible for our light vehicle to travel through this sandy valley in order to access the community of Charii Ruufay. Therefore the SCORE program team together with the district level government authorities will sit down to decide on reselecting operational sites, so as to catch up with and accelerate the project activity implementations. Elwayyee is one of the newly structured districts 25 km west of the zonal capital Yabello. Charii Ruufay is the remotest PA in the Elwayyee district in which SCORE has multiple development activities.